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Advancing the GPS Mission


From its use by our armed forces, to mapping a journey, to using an ATM, to tracking a fleet,  the world relies on the U.S. Air Force Global Positioning System (GPS). Over the past 40 years, L3Harris has provided satellite payloads and subsystems resulting in over 800 years of failure-free cumulative on-orbit operations. 

Our signal waveform expertise is behind the systemā€™s availability, accuracy, and integrity. Our unique know-how ties GPSā€™ space and ground segments together, and our security expertise assures users that their time and position data is spot-on.

L3Harrisā€™ ongoing investments in technology advancements will continue to make GPS more accurate, reliable, and resilient, to counter current and future threats. As part of the GPS modernization team, we will deliver key components for both the ground-based control segment and the satellite constellation. Harrisā€™ new GPS Mission Data Unit (MDU) is 70% digital and offers excellent performance, exceeding Air Force requirements.



More than Navigation

Though it is known primarily as a navigation system, GPS is used to disseminate precise time, time intervals, and frequency, too. The GPS carrier signals originate from on-board atomic clocks monitored by ground control stations. They send global time 24 hours a day. No other system has provided this combination of accuracy and availability.

L3Harris has developed the timing integration and the ability to tie the space and ground segments together. This not only allows for the accuracy of GPS navigation, but also benefits all applications where precise timing is required.



GPS Modernization

L3Harris is developing and integrating the satellite navigation payloads for the next generation of GPS and is providing the key navigation processing elements and precision monitor station receivers for the GPS Operational Control Segment (OCX) program. GPS modernization will provide users with even greater accuracy, security, and reliability.



L3Harris is the leader in signal encryption and M-code, the name given to a signal designed to improve both the security and anti-jamming properties of military GPS navigation. We provide key super-succession, key upload, and over-the-air-rekeying (OTAR). Superior security is evident in the flexible reprogrammable design of a crypto engine, which is certifiable and modular. It includes information security and information assurance boundaries. We also have the ability to produce a signal using modernized NAVSTAR Security Algorithm (MNSA) encryption.

L3Harris is building the ground station for a new generation of satellites that will bring increased safety and precision to GPS. Our ability to work effectively with partners, our signal monitoring expertise (including OCX Monitor Station Receiver Element and mission upload generators), and payload expertise will add new capabilities to the GPS control segment and enhance GPS for users worldwide.