The series offers configurations with 2 to 5 channels. Use of these antennas can substantially reduce total space requirements and significantly improve overall system performance.
Each radiator is broadband and covers the entire 115 – 162 MHz band without tuning. Each channel has a separate input and handles RF powers to 50 watts with a VSWR, on 50 ohms, of less than 3.0:1. Pattern coverage is omnidirectional with maximum signal intensity along the horizon. The typical isolation between channels is 15-20 dB.
Because of the inherent broadband characteristics and balanced electrical design, the CA-1139 Series antennas are insensitive to mounting location and surrounding environment. The radome has an integral base mounting flange with coaxial Type N input connectors for each channel, located on the underside.
CA-1139 Series antennas are designed to meet MIL-STD-167, Type I Vibration and the Service Conditions of MIL-STD-810B.