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CA-1140 HI Series UHF Low Power Multichannel Antennas

The antennas are intended for use where independent, broadband, multichannel operation is required. The series offers configurations with two to six channels. Use of these antennas can substantially reduce total space requirements and significantly improve overall system performance.

Each member of the series is comprised of base mounted, broadband, dipole units mounted colinearly within a sealed epoxy fiberglass housing. Size depends upon the number of signal channels desired. The minimum configuration is only 100 inches tall and provides two UHF channels. The maximum configuration is 354 inches tall and provides six independent channels.

Because of the inherent broadband characteristics and balanced electrical design the CA-1140-HI Series antennas are insensitive to mounting location and surrounding environment. The radome has an integral base mounting flange with coaxial Type N input connectors for each channel, located on the underside. An optional base adapter, used between the antenna base and its mounting surface, is available for installations where side cable access is desired. (Specify /SA Model)

CA-1140-HI Series antennas are designed to meet MIL-STD-167, Type I Vibration and the Service Conditions of MIL-STD-810B.

CA-1140 HI Series Antenna Specifications

Frequency range 225 – 400 MHz
VSWR 2.0:1 nom
Gain 1.5 dB
Impedance 50 ohms
Polarization Vertical
Azimuth coverage Omnidirectional within ±1 dB
Zenith Coverage Figure-eight dipole pattern with maximum at horizon
RF isolation between channels Consult factory
Power handling 50 watt average, each channel
  CA-1140-2 HI CA-1140-3 HI CA-1140-4 HI CA-1140-5 HI* CA-1140-6 HI*
No. of Inputs 2 3 4 5 5
Height (in.) 91 163 226 296 364
Radome Dia. (in.) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 upper, 6.0 lower 3.5 upper, 6.0 lower
Base Dia. (in.) 6.5 9.5 9.5 13.5 13.5
Weight (lbs) 26 38 51 138 165
Mounting (in.) Four 0.562 bolts on 5.5 BC Six 0.531 bolts on 7.5 BC Six 0.531 bolts on 7.5 BC Eight 0.687 bolts on 11.75 BC Eight 0.687 bolts on 11.75 BC

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