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Link Budget Calculator

Estimate Wireless Connectivity Performance

L3Harrisā€™ Link Budget Calculator provides systems engineers and other RF data link stakeholders a way to estimate communication systems wireless connectivity performance across various scenarios, hardware configurations, link topologies and atmospheric conditions. It assists the data link engineer in preliminary planning and evaluation of line-of-sight and satellite microwave data links performance.


Key Benefits

Link Budget Calculator provides a signal loss and gain budget based on the user-defined link availability required given as a percentage of time due to path fade statistics. The Link Budget Calculator provides an opportunity to make initial assessments of various link parameters to successfully close intended links.

  • Link budget feasibility to establish demonstration/mission link success expectations
  • Comprehensive link budget calculation based on 20+ years of refinement using
  • industry standard models plus our extensive, unique experience with high-bandwidth
  • RF data links
  • Frequencies covered from UHF to V-Band (path loss model dependent)
  • Equipment performance variations used as part of assessment analysis


  • Link Budget Calculator Sell Sheet

    Link Budget Calculator Sell Sheet