The N103 Series of passive, fixed-reception-pattern-antennas (FRPA) are an extremely stable design that has excellent phase and amplitude tracking repeatability from unit to unit and which also demonstrates excellent temperature stability over a broad temperature range.
Double tuning of the N103 Series of antennas provides an impedance match simultaneously at both L1 and L2 frequency bands, resulting in a classical double-tuned frequency response for directive gain. Double tuning is implemented using two microstrip patches in a stacked configuration. Dual probes excite orthogonal (space and time quadrature) modes in one patch for circular polarization. This patch electro-magnetically couples to the second patch for double tuning. A directional coupler, located below the patch substrate, provides time quadrature excitation of the two probes.
The N103 Series are available in several different models, each sharing the same antenna aperture and feed circuit but with differing base plate configurations.