Olympus: All-Domain Live, Virtual Constructive Environment

Olympus’ 3D rendered “game environment” provides theater-wide mission-level planning, exercise support, training, concept of operations development and decision making from tactical through strategic level operations. The realistic and intuitive interface is designed to immerse users in a virtual command center. It depicts cross-domain interactions addressing engagements, missions and large-scale campaigns involving blue, red, gray and noncombatant white entities.
The configurable common operating picture feature allows authorized users to view external systems such as mirrored workstations, sensor feeds and live video, thereby keeping the team in the loop at all times.
Olympus provides warfighters with the necessary tools to increase readiness and defeat adversaries in complex and uncertain environments. Teams within the constructive environment can engage in force structure analysis, acquisition strategy and future concept development – all of which lead to better analytics to support decision makers.
The program utilizes a distributed architecture enabling collaboration across multiple nodes, thereby allowing users to train and exercise as they fight. The LVCE supports development of space warfighting strategy concepts. The ability to train like you fight with integration into a live signal environment will prepare warfighters for real world scenarios, and in turn increase confidence.
Olympus provides the ability to plan and train for more effective joint domain operations. The Olympus backend M&S architecture integrates the following into an integrated and open data model:
Our integrated MLS approach supports ingesting, fusing and correlating data from thousands of security levels into a highfidelity, mission-level simulation and disseminating the essential results efficiently - even to lower-classification users and networks. It provides maximum protection over all the classified data and minimizes delays related to setup or reconfiguration between simulations. The MLS design integrates M&S with existing classified networks and multilevel data-at-rest encryption. L3Harris’ DataCrypt™ is the highest performance multilevel encrypter available.
The Olympus architecture supports multiple scaling methods to provide maximum performance. Our solution will achieve 25 times real-time performance processing of 100,000 entities across a large geospatial area on the current M&S integrated environment baseline, using heuristics-based pruning of pairwise interactions. In order to evaluate alternative comparative outcomes in meaningful timeframes, Olympus combines a highly parallelizable pairwise federate interaction architecture, smart pairwise interaction pruning, dynamic interaction compute scheduling and efficient high-performance computing core allocation.
Increases readiness and supports tactical to strategic planning
Allows operation in all classifications levels with multilevel security (MLS) and can be shared with coalition partners
Delivers a cost effective approach that exercises battle staffs without physically deploying the force
Provides a constructive environment that leads to better analytics to support decision makers