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Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Data Communications (Data Comm) User Information

Data Comm Overview

The FAA's NextGen Data Comm program allows the National Airspace System (NAS) to handle more traffic, reduce flight delays, route aircraft more efficiently and improve safety, all while reducing operational costs for airspace users. In today's NAS, air traffic management depends on voice communications to relay a wide array of critical information between air crews and controllers. As a trusted partner with the FAA, L3Harris is lending its expertise to enhance safety and improve efficiency in the nation's airspace.


Air-to-Ground Data Communication: Making Air Traffic Control Modernization Possible

Data Comm improves aviation safety by reducing errors common in voice communications such as readback/hearback errors, control instructions intended for one aircraft taken by another and transposed call signs. It increases airport efficiencies by providing revised departure clearances at busy hub airports, and it makes airspace safer and flight more efficient through capabilities such as trajectory-based operations, continuous descent approaches and dynamic weather reroutes.

US Domestic En Route CPDLC

U.S. Domestic En Route CPDLC Avionics

Operators are requested to check their aircraft configurations against the documents below to participate in U.S. Domestic En Route CPDLC.

For aircraft configurations not listed, operators are requested to temporarily stop filing as eligible for En Route CPDLC, contact their equipment manufacturer to work with the FAA and L3Harris, and evaluate operational performance of their aircraft configuration.

U.S. Domestic En Route CPDLC Guides

En Route Demonstration Videos

Technical Documents

OPR Form

Please use this form for reporting an issue with CPDLC DCL or En Route

General and Business Aviation US Domestic En Route CPDLC


The FAA has announced a new process for en route CPDLC participation beginning in Fall 2023.  Visit the FAA Data Comm website and InFO 23008 for more details. 

US CPDLC DCL (Departure Clearance)

Reason for Inquiry *
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