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L3Harris COVID-19 Response


Thank you for placing your trust in L3Harris to help meet your mission-critical needs. We remain committed to our customers and maintaining business continuity. Any customer questions regarding current or potential future impact may be submitted here, or reference our Customer FAQs.

L3Harris offered its BeOn software application for free to healthcare and public safety workers, allowing users to turn their smartphones, laptops and other devices into an encrypted public safety radio – enabling immediate communications to individuals or large talk groups. Read more on how this service assists healthcare and public safety responders combating COVID-19 here.


L3Harris issued more than $100 million in accelerated payments to small business suppliers nationwide – supporting companies that play a critical role in sustaining regional economies and ensuring the nation’s security. Read more about L3Harris support of its global supply chain here.

We are also working with all L3Harris suppliers to complete a COVID-19 Supply Risk Assessment for any potential delivery risks, including sub-tier supplier issues. Any supply chain questions regarding current or potential future impact may be submitted here, or reference our Supplier FAQs.


L3Harris is contributing $2 million and providing additional equipment and resources to organizations involved in COVID-19 relief and recovery efforts around the world. L3Harris is providing funds to COVID-19 Response and Recovery Funds administered by local United Way agencies and the American Red Cross, as well as providing a 2x match to employee designated gifts to these and other organizations. The funds support initiatives globally, with special emphasis on regions where L3Harris has a significant presence. Read more about L3Harris relief and recovery efforts here.


L3Harris is committed to keeping our employees informed on the latest COVID-19 developments as they impact our company. As an L3Harris employee, you have access to a large repository of information located on the company’s intranet that includes guidance for protecting our employees during the pandemic, L3Harris travel restrictions, visitor restrictions to our facilities, health and safety guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization, and Employee FAQs. If you have any further questions on COVID-19's impact, submit them here.

To protect our employees, we have implemented several safety protocols and continue to make updates as the pandemic evolves. In addition, we’ve activated a relief fund for employees who may have experienced an unexpected financial burden. We provide back-up childcare services, virtual tutoring for children, an employee assistance program including virtual mental health benefits, an expanded paid time off policy, and other benefits.

Prospective Employees/New Hires

L3Harris has continued to hire new employees since the beginning of the pandemic. Our business continues to grow and needs talented new team members. We are closely monitoring COVID-19 and modifying our recruitment and onboarding practices based on recommendations from the CDC. This includes video interviews as well as virtual new hire onboarding processes for those whose jobs can be performed remotely. New information has been added to our new hire onboarding process that details the extensive actions L3Harris has taken to protect our employees.

Standard Practices

Below are standard health and safety practices we strongly encourage all employees to follow:

  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with a 60% alcohol content-based hand gel or wash them with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  • Practice social distancing where practical.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Follow good respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then, dispose of the used tissue and immediately wash your hands.
  • Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call your healthcare provider in advance.

How to Protect Yourself & Others (U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)

Stay Informed