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Technology for the Next Generation of Special Forces

Amid escalating global conflicts and growing geopolitical tensions, the urgency for Special Operations Forces (SOF) to possess highly adaptable battlespace technology has never been greater. 

As a leader in end-to-end technologies, L3Harris is well positioned to support the complex and multifaceted nature of SOF in all domains through our agile and responsive technologies.

Key examples demonstrate L3Harris’ ability to develop, improve and adapt emerging technologies to evolve with the battlespace. We’re providing these forces with more network connectivity, global interoperability, Situational Awareness and resilience than ever before.  

Take a look at how L3Harris is revolutionizing next-generation technology for special forces.


Soldier wears ENVGB goggles

The Enhanced Night Vision Goggle–Binocular (ENVG-B) is a helmet-mounted dual waveband goggle with a larger thermal Field-Of-View and increased thermal range ahead of its predecessors. ENVG-B provides targeting and identification in all battlefield conditions as well as light levels including degraded visual environments such as smoke, fog and debris. The goggle includes L3Harris’ high-performance white phosphor image intensification technology fused with thermal imagery; thereby bridging the gap in performance and capability for both of these sensors. The ENVG-B incorporates  Rapid Target Acquisition capabilities to the goggle, enabling soldiers to see around corners and behind cover without risk of exposure while targeting. This gives soldiers the ability to identify, assess and engage a target with greater accuracy and speed, both of which are exponentially important to protecting soldiers. L3Harris received a $256 million order from the U.S. Army for continued production of the Enhanced Night Vision Goggle – Binocular (ENVG-B) in April.

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Soldier looks at battlefield with assets linked on network

Resilient Communications

L3Harris is the world leader in delivering resilient, reliable and secure network solutions to ensure success of our customers’ evolving missions in the contested multi-domain battlespace. We are the global provider of ground-based Control, Command, Communications and Computers Intelligence systems and transportable Satellite Communications terminals, including high-assurance Software-defined Radios and stationary and portable SATCOM terminals, all backed with a robust portfolio of resilient waveforms. We provide the network conduit, along with leading-edge Modular Open System Approach solutions, that enables CJADC2 and C2 On-The-Move – top to bottom, from strategic networks to SATCOM and tactical networks – and allows sensor-to-shooter information to get to where it needs to when it needs to.  L3Harris Communication Systems President Sam Mehta recently wrote in Defense One how resilient communications are critical to realizing JADC2.

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Sky Warden

L3Harris and Air Tractor Sky Warden Team Selected for USSOCOM Armed Overwatch Contract

The production-ready Sky Warden system is tailorable to meet a variety of missions, including Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR), Counterinsurgency (COIN), Counter-Violent Extremist Organizations (C-VEO), Close Air Support (CAS) and Digital CAS. The Sky Warden system is tailorable to meet a variety of mission requirements, with exportable options available to meet mission needs for both U.S. and allied operators. We’ve had numerous international operators interested in learning how our multi-role Sky Warden weapon system can serve their unique mission needs. 




Vampire Image Gallery

L3Harris’ Vehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment (VAMPIRE) is a portable kit that can be installed on most vehicles with a cargo bed for launching of the advanced precision kill weapons system (APKWS) or other laser-guided munitions. This L3Harris suitcase-type APKWS launcher and designator kit provides a rapid solution for arming non-tactical vehicles (NTV) and a variety of tactical vehicles, while integrating components to customer-specific specifications. Our capability provides ground forces the ability to engage targets beyond the range of weapons normally carried by SOF and light forces.


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WESCAM MX-8 on Leonardo Hero UAV


L3Harris has a portfolio of multi-sensor, multi-spectral electro-optical/infrared systems that are deployed worldwide, at varying ranges, and with overlapping fields-of-view, creating the opportunity for uninterrupted surveillance of borders, forward operating bases, airfields and other vital assets. These imaging and targeting systems can be found on over 260 different types of platforms, including fixed-wing, rotor-wing, UAV, land and maritime platforms. Because today’s mission requirements demand identification and designation from longer standoff ranges, WESCAM MX-Series systems have been engineered to focus on the three factors that drive Maximum Range: resolution, magnification and stabilization.

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