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Defining the Future of Military Connectivity at EVEREST UK


Led by over 50 L3Harris engineers over three months, the experiment’s objective was to show the MoD how soldiers could benefit from military-off-the-shelf (MOTS) technologies that are available today through the in-depth demonstration of live, real-time mission scenarios.

project everest team at Dorset battlelab

With key inputs from trusted industry partners Systematic, Leonardo DRS, NSSL Global, Inmarsat, Exsel and Glenair, the EVEREST Experiment integrated L3Harris’ tactical radio, ISR, data link and satellite communication offerings, as well as our portfolio of CORVUS multirole EW systems and Drone Guardian C-sUAS solution, among other capabilities.

The EVEREST Experiment successfully demonstrated how combining software-defined radios with satellite communications can pass voice, data and situational awareness to wherever required by adapting to the need and threat environment.

C5ISR map screen from EVEREST experiment

The EVEREST Experiment result is an integrated network that shows:

  • The links from the lowest user upwards through the echelons of command, back to the UK and its coalition allies
  • How sensors can be easily integrated and the network reconfigured to deal with changes in force posture
  • How industry can unite to deliver available solutions that the MoD could introduce into service today

Revisit the 2023 UK EVEREST Experiment


Reaching the Summit

L3Harris-led EVEREST experiment in the UK demonstrates the feasibility of networking a raft of assets to provide land forces with a scalable, common operating picture.

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Armada everest article group of soldiers using EW equipment