L3Harris offers Textured Ceramic, TexCer™, in its piezoceramics lineup. This family of piezoelectric materials offers a budget-conscious compromise between well-established traditional piezoelectric materials and superior performance-bearing, but expensive single-crystal piezoelectrics.
TexCer ceramics are orientation-engineered collations of single crystals, which were developed to bridge the gap between traditional ceramics and high-performance, but brittle single crystals. They offer larger displacement and higher sensitivity when compared to traditional PZT-based piezoelectrics, while offering increased strength, and superior fracture toughness when compared to single crystals, owing to their multi-granular performance-oriented nature.
TexCer offers a key SWAP advantage to the defense industry while exploiting traditional ceramics processes and avoiding expensive and difficult-to-control crystal growth processes, thereby lending itself to a wider scope of applications and overcoming the typical limitations.