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Uniting our employees

L3Harris ERGs unite our employees to tackle issues that really matter to them. They’re a great way to:

icon showing two hands shaking

Meet new people

icon of two employees facing each other

Network with peers

Icon showing a briefcase next to a signpost

Foster professional development

Our active ERGs in the UK:

L3Harris APEX ERG logo
L3Harris Pride ERG logo
L3Harris SERVE logo
L3Harris WE3 logo
L3Harris WILA identifier
L3Harris APEX ERG logo


Asian Professionals for Excellence 

The UK chapter of Asian Professionals for Excellence aims to understand the importance of Asian, South Asian and Pacific Islander perspectives and the impact these have in driving L3Harris excellence through:

> Professional development events

> Community outreach

> Cultural programs

L3Harris Pride ERG logo


LGBTQ+ and Allyship resource group

L3Harris PRIDE ERG aims to promote an inclusive and safe environment for all employees, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression by:

  • Creating educational resources to address bias

  • Enabling people to ask questions without judgement

  • Challenging business policies and processes


Our pledge to support Fighting with Pride

The PRIDE ERG’s chosen charity is Fighting with Pride: The LGBT+ Military Charity, a cause very close to the business, as many L3Harris employees are either serving or ex-serving.

Learn more about Fighting with Pride

L3Harris SERVE logo


Supporting Emergency Responders and Veterans Engagement 

L3Harris SERVE ERG involves the organisation of activities in support of the Armed Forces community, including:

> An annual Armed Forces Day ceremony

> Regular fundraising for chosen charity Combat Stress 

> Sponsorship of the 660 Squadron's Cycle Tour of Britain

This long-established relationship with the Armed Forces community and dedication to the Armed Forces Covenant sees us able to offer multiple employment opportunities for both serving and ex-serving personnel.

Committed to military charity Combat Stress

As a forces friendly employer, L3Harris is committed to supporting Combat Stress, the UK’s leading charity to support the mental health of veterans, through a range of different fundraising activities including a sponsored Three Peaks Challenge.


Combat Stress charity logo
L3Harris WE3 logo


Women Who Strive for Empowering, Enhancing & Encouraging Other Women 

L3Harris WE3 ERG provides a voice for women within the business to support their personal and professional development while fostering a diverse and inclusive culture. The ERG has previously:

> Hosted webinars on topics linked to International Women's Day

> Established a menopause support group

> Sponsored events such as the Defence Women’s Network Conference

> Signed up to the Women in Defence Charter

A proud corporate member of Women in Defence

Building a better Defence based on equality of opportunity in which people can work, learn and thrive.

Read about the DWN conference

L3Harris WILA identifier


Willing and Able 

The WILA ERG’s aim is to inspire and enable individuals who often face disabling barriers to be the best they can be. The ERG strives to:

> Create a more inclusive work environment

> Challenge existing business policies 

> Drive important change to remove barriers

WILA also promotes awareness of topics that impact employees that are neurodivergent or have a disability and those who have loved ones with a disability.


AFC silver logo
Mental Health at Work Award
Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter Award
Women in Defence Charter Award

Employee stories from around the globe

hikers on mountain top

Editorial | 03. 21. 2023

L3Harris Renews Silver Sponsorship with Team Forces/Team Army

L3Harris Technologies recently secured its commitment to supporting the wellbeing and recovery of the Armed Forces community by renewing a silver level sponsorship with Team Forces/Team Army.

hikers on mountain top

Editorial | 03. 21. 2023

L3Harris Renews Silver Sponsorship with Team Forces/Team Army

L3Harris Volunteers Take on Colossal Three Peaks Challenge for Charity Combat Stress

Editorial | 06. 29. 2023

L3Harris Volunteers Take on Colossal Three Peaks Challenge for Charity Combat Stress

L3Harris Volunteers Champion STEM at Cheltenham Science Festival

Editorial | 08. 16. 2023

L3Harris Volunteers Champion STEM at Cheltenham Science Festival