L3Harris’ WESCAM MX-10 RSTA features a proven stabilization architecture, boosting advanced image processing and performance.
As the battlefield continues to evolve, new standards for land-based missions require forward-thinking solutions. Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities demand state-of-the-art image processing while targeting missions require advanced stabilization and accuracy.
Enter L3Harris’ WESCAM MX™-10 RSTA – the premier electro-optical/infrared sensor (EO/IR) for ISR and targeting applications on land-based platforms, including Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs). UGVs are the next step of remotely operated platforms, with unique requirements for stabilization, image clarity, tracking and ruggedness.
L3Harris continues to develop advanced designs and engineering solutions that result in uncompromised line-of-sight stabilization. Our WESCAM MX-10 RSTA features a proven stabilization architecture that significantly reduces line-of-sight jitter by employing a combination of passive damping and active motion cancellation on a vibration-isolated payload for on-the-move engagements. For vehicles conducting reconnaissance or target acquisition, or those engaged in combat, this is a critical mission-need. While using our counter-UAS technology, targets remain in sight throughout engagement. The advanced stabilization applies to the entire payload so that every internal device and function benefits from the same level of jitter suppression. This results in a smooth and stable high-definition image, maximizing target identification ranges.

The WESCAM MX-10 RSTA also features a tenacious auto-tracker that is designed and tuned by our software engineering team. The video tracker uses motion-based algorithms that have been tailored for real-time ground based applications. These advanced tracking algorithms greatly simplify the target acquisition process. The system can automatically annotate multiple targets closest to the center of the line-of-sight based on their movement and allow the operator to cycle through them. This, coupled with the robust tracking through obscurations, enables operators to track targets effectively in challenging terrain and urban environments.
The technology is also MIL-STD environmentally qualified for use across all land, air and maritime domains. Dry or hot environments are countered with an active external cooling system to maintain high-performance, while larger desiccant packs are employed to handle humid conditions. An active external cooling system and larger desiccant packs are built-in features to address hot and humid environment. Each system is engineered and tested at L3Harris’ state-of-art EO/IR manufacturing facility in Waterdown, Ontario, Canada, to ensure they can withstand and overcome rigorous environmental challenges. Additional field-testing confirms real-world applications and capabilities.

For UGV counter-UAS missions, each of our EO/IR sensor systems provides superior laser designation capabilities with fully-stabilized, high-definition imaging.
L3Harris put the WESCAM MX-10 RSTA EO/IR imaging system to the test on Rheinmetall’s MRZR UGV platform which was operated in tandem with Rheinmetall’s Mission Master CXT, equipped with a Dillon Aero Twin M134D Minigun Fire Support Module. In a real-world desert environment, the WESCAM MX-10 RSTA was able to track and identify targets first detected by the MRZR’s integrated radar. Operators were able to control both the MRZR and the EO/IR system and move the Mission Master CXT to an effective position to engage and neutralize the threat. Whether targets’ are airborne or land-based, the WESCAM MX-10 RSTA was able to accurately identify and track each target.
Whether engaging air or land targets, the majority of L3Harris’ EO/IR systems are built using a combination of high-performance infrared sensors from our Mason, Ohio, facility and laser transmitters from our facility in Hilton Head, South Carolina. For UGV counter-UAS missions, each of our EO/IR sensor systems provides superior laser designation capabilities with fully-stabilized, high-definition imaging, only possible with L3Harris technology and manufacturing processes.

L3Harris’ designating systems enable teams to dominate the battlefield 24/7.
Ultimately, L3Harris’ designating systems enable teams to dominate the battlefield 24/7, with greater precision than ever before. Field proven, with extensive deployment, WESCAM MX™-Series designating systems offer “plug-and-play” installation, as well as high-sensitivity multi-spectral sensors for day, low-light and night-time missions. In addition, our systems encourage ease and familiarity of use, simplified turret interchangeability across platforms, efficiencies in technology enhancements and overall system support. The series features common electronics and cabling, common user interfaces and video overlays, and common software and internal components ensuring optimal integration within specific platforms and mission parameters.
The new battlefield demands technology that meets operators’ needs.
Learn more about L3Harris’ WESCAM MX-10 RSTA.